This Photograph is named In Their Own Words, and it is by Jay Maisel. He is recognized as one of the top natrual- light color photogropher in the world. He most emphasizes on light and form. Over the years, Maisel has inspired countless photographer. Jay started his career of being a photgrapher in 1954 Jay Maisel is now 78 years old and is still currently living in New York. During his career of photography he won sevrel awards, for example, Life Time Achievement Award, PPA, 2003 Life Time Achievement Award, ASMP 1996 The Art Director’s Club Hall of Fame, The Art Director’s Club 1995 Infinity Award for Applied Photography, ICP 1987 Gold Medal Award for Photography, Art Director’s Club of NY 1986 and 1987 Photographer of the Year ASMP 1986 The Newhouse Citation, Syracuse School of Public Communications 1979 Outstanding Achievement in Photography, ASMP 1978 Saint Gauden’s Medal, Cooper Union, 1977.
This picture makes me really happy. Only because i love horses and have grown up with them all my life. In the picture, I think it represents society because of the horses in the background faded out and then you have one horse that sticks out. This relates to society because people think everything is all about them but you have to realize there are other people in the world and society too. Jay Maisel has a special quote for this picture and it is,
"If you are out there shooting, things will happen for you. If you're not out there, you'll only hear about it." - Jay Maisel
i love the quote, it brings a different point of view on it as humans we are always missing out on somthing important, we have to make wise decisions about where we wanna be and what we wanna do with our time here, go out and enjoy our playground from God, the earth, or spend time with our family and friends, can we truely do both?
ReplyDeleteWhen I read the part about how the horses represent society, and how people think it is all about themselves, I couldn't help but laugh to myself. And following after that, about how if you don't go out and do stuff, get to know people, ect. you wont know anything but what you tell yourself.
ReplyDeleteI really like and agree with the quote. It is true if you just stay at your house and your not trying to meet new people and you just keep to your self then you will only hear about what happens to other people, you wont get to experience it for yourself.
ReplyDeleteDaisy Escape, you worded that really well, i like where you went with that. There's so much out there to explore, that if you never get that chance you onluy know as much as you let yourself. It's sad some people miss out on the greater things in life, and they don't even know it cause they know no different. Be free, be adventurous, let yourself go and explore things you haven't, live life to the fullest.
ReplyDeleteI think everyone makes good points and his qoute pulls everything together. It shows that he may be famous for his art work but he still views society and life the same as everyother person.