Artist: Allan D'Arcangelo
Media: serigraph
D'Arcangelo is a pop artist best known for his art work focusing on the highway, this print called The Holy Family is just one of the many. The image that this peice depicts represents the values of a steryotypical religious family. I noticed that the highway the car is driving on has three lanes, there is a yeild sign in the middle of the road, and there are pure white baby boots hanging from the mirror. The car that I asume is driving down this road, seems to be driving down the central lane, which represents the belief that a christian family is orderly, balanced, and sticks to a safe path. The yeild sign that appears to be in the middle of the road is a symbol of the idea that a religious family is focused on being concerned for others and that they are very cautionate of their surroundings. Lastly the baby boots that are hanging on the mirror represent a few things. They represent the idea that many religious familys have that the right path to take in life is getting married and having children. The color of the shoes, white, represents purity. The images representing a holy family in this peice of art can be seen in a positive or negative light. It could be pointing out the positive atmosphere of a religious family, because the picture is pleasant to look at, or it could be mocking the ideals of a christian family because the three lanes and the yeild sign in the middle of the road are somewhat absurd.
Is it making a satirical comment, I wonder? Like the Christian Family expects everyone to yield to them--and no one to think differently or take another path? That Americans are like this--we all must think and do the same thing?
ReplyDeleteI see the yield sign as being a hold on this persons life. Im not really seeing the christian part of this. But the yield sign makes me think that whoever is driving this car is at a hault in there life and they need to decide how they want their life to go. And if they should just take the easy road and go down the highway.
ReplyDeleteWhat we see in the rearview mirror is almost exactly the same as what we see in front of us. Are they yielding because they don't want to go down the exact same road they are already on?
ReplyDeleteI dont see how this photo has to do with religion but i do agree that it has to do with someones life.And i think that the middle path represents the road the person is taking now and the right side of the road represents the road they should take and the left side represents the road they dont want to go on because their life will just get worse
ReplyDeleteBefore I was torn between wether i thought it was satirical like someone asked, or not. I think it is because if it wasnt called "the holy family" im not sure if anyone would ever think thats what it was about. I like that someone pointed out that the image in the mirror is almost exactly what is in front of them. I think that says something about a religious family, maybe that they only have one choice, to live by the word of god. The print is saying that it is an endless highway with no exits and no room for improvement. I like the other interpretations of the yeild sign, but I have even changed my own looking at it again, maybe the artist is telling the veiwer to yeild, because the religious life is an endless road, he is saying "do not go on."
ReplyDeleteJust to carify, I only relate this art to religion because the title of the peice is "a holy family" which says to me that the artist is trying to send some sort of message that deals with a religious family.