Wednesday, October 7, 2009

30 Days: Muslims and America

Use this space to discuss your reactions to the episode of 30 Days: "Muslims and America"...


  1. i think that if more people were to watch this it would open peoples eyes not just the muslims race but other races also. it kinda made me relize that the muslims get desciminated just because of a few bombings that happen. since that happened i think the american citizens are afraid that something like that will happen again.but really, most are just hard working people that is just like us and all they want is just to find acceptince.

  2. I think this episode could really open up people to want to try and understand people different from them. The people who learn about people, such as muslims, aren't changing what the belive but can learn why others dress, act, or think the way they do and not be afraid of them. 9/11 was a day that effected many of us and scared us all but we can't hold that against all Muslims just as we don't hold Holocaust against all Germans.

  3. This thirty days episode showed how far discrimination is spreading in America. The video highlighted, to me, the utmost ignorance of our society. These people in the video are doing nothing wrong. They are practicing their religion. Just because some people from some certain religion did something terrible does not mean that one can target an entire group of people. They are called muslim radicals. They are not the overall of the muslim religion. Killings are happening all over the world, but targeting America are these radicals, so they're getting the most attention. Other places are not getting attention for their genocides, some of christan culture 'cleansing.' It is what is being shown in the media, and our public is making judgements on this group of people because it is what we see, even though it is terribly wrong.

  4. This episode helped me to understand muslims living in America. So many people look down on the muslim religion ever more because of 9/11. When the man dressed as a muslim and went thru the airport he had to be checked and everyone was staring at him. t shows a lot of good points about the struggles they face.

  5. I think the episode was very informational. It showed people how muslims are truely treated in America. Discriminating anyone based on their religion or race is wrong. I feel like all people belonging to the muslim religion should not be blamed for the terroist acts agaisnt America. Just because people belonging to a certain religion or culture do something wrong, not everyone belonging to that same religion are evil. I think America should be opened minded and base judgments of people based on personality, not on race or religion. We should be better than that.

  6. I think people might have curious opinion on Muslims who living in America and easily to see them around, but people shouldn't put them to the terrorist side which is religion prejudice. As this episode showed, most American people's religion has the same god. So people should show the respect to others who have similar believe with themselves.

  7. If people were to watch this episode of "30 Days" it would open a lot of doors to many differnt people. Watching this episode I learned more about Muslim customs and beliefs. I learned that they share many of the same morals as Christianinty and other religions. Also it can be disscovered that there are many other races other than Arabic people who are members of the Muslim faith.

  8. People if they watched this video would see the Muslim faith differently than they probably did before, and other faiths and beliefs. Never see their race as terroists because it is a slim # of people in Arabian race that are terroists.

  9. I think it is interesting to see how a white, average American adapts to the muslim life style. Although I don't think that the muslims in this show were that different from regular Americans. I didn't agree with how the white guy aproached the scenario. He could have just shut up and prayed with the muslims, but instead he had to completely waste everyones time and whine about how they were praying to a different god.

  10. People that see this video may realize what the muslims had to go through. It shows their way of life and religion, describled in it is that they never see their race as terroists.

  11. I really liked this 30 days. I havent ever thought that Muslims were bad or anything but it made me think about how they are good people just trying to do good things. No different from any other person active in their religion. And if you think about it they are just as American as the rest of us are so no one should be giving them a hard time.

  12. I found it intersesting how fast people judged the guy just because he changed his clothes to the muslim style. Also it brings people to the attention of how hard it is for muslim-americans these days. It hepled me open my eyes a little bit more.

  13. The movie opened my eyes a little bit, but i am still going to associate terrisom with the muslims. The muslims that hijacked the plane and ran it into the twin towers did it because of there religion and people can not deny that. Muslims that are born in the US should be treated just like any other american just because the are dressed differntly doesn't mean they should be picked on.People are still scared of muslims because of 9-11 but we should not take that out on the US born muslims.The muslims must understand tho that they might get picked on but if they open up to people then those people that are picking on them might understand muslims more.

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  15. i think that people look at the muslims diff. mainly because of 911 and other things that have happened. i have a friend whos muslim and i dont look at him any differant but society just does and thers nothing you can do about it.
