Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Invisible Children

Use this space to blog your reactions to Invisible Children.

Now that you've had time to process your thoughts and some of the thoughts shared by your peers in class, what do you think about the issues raised in the documentary?


  1. I think that what is happening over there is tragic and a little overwhelming. What is happening is so out of our world; and so out of our comfort zone that I don't think we really understand the how serious this issue is. Its really a lot to take in. I believe that the U.S. government needs to try to do more to protect these children. Although they are not people of this country they are still people and we need to try and do something about it.

  2. well it was a good documentary but it was alot to take in that horrible things like this were happening. Its especially hard to think about that they sleep on the ground every night and fear child soldiers in a totally unprotected refugee camp.

  3. That people didn't know about this and this group of people went down there risking their lives making this a documentary. I think it is horrible that even though it is a civil war in this nation that the different minority groups are getting attacked. Also how the LRA used children as soldiers and brainwashed them and manipulated them till they didn't need them anymore and killed them. It is a genocide against the groups of people. It is a positive that these issues have been addressed in this movie/documentary and has brought it to peoples attention and now there is a decrease in the abduction of children and women.

  4. The fact that a lot of people had no idea this was goin on really makes me mad. Why would we be kept from something this terrible? In addition, the rebels' actions and reasons for doing so are just inhumane. I don't know why we didn't act sooner about this issue. It opened my eyes to how lucky i am to live like i do. I really hope that anything like this will ever happen again. Fat chance though

  5. Thats its terrible watching the unknown war going on in Uganda and Darfur. I hated how I was not aware of the war, that people were being killed for no reason children being displaced across the country. Them being frighten if the next day they will be aducted or raped. That now they are starting to not care if they die or not. This is terrible how the government is not taking effort into taking control, like why, and even through research the governments leader said calling that geneciode is not right, its like he does not care. I think this entire war is inhumane, the torture, rapes, killing of innocent people. Children not knowing what will happen next avoiding the terror of rebels, always moving place to place. This really opened my eyes to the reality of Africa not through media, whichs makes it look like everything is okay, it shows what humans are doing. Hopefully we take action and this soon changes.

  6. I think what is going on over there is an issue for some people but imo, not my country, not my problem. A lot of people dont agree with that but to each their own. I like the fact that people are trying to help them but its going to take a lot...which we dont have. We need to use all of OUR OWN resources to help out OUR country since we're in such a hard spot right now. We should be using all of everything we have to bring our country back to the way it was before the recession. I hate how everyone with problems in their country comes to us for if we dont have enough to deal with ourselves. We cant help everyone and they all need to figure that out.

  7. I think that what is happening to all of those children is horrible. Children are so innocent and it just makes me sick. I really think that something needs to be done about it right away. I also think that not just the US should have to do something, everyone should be doing something to stop this and know about what is going on. The Holocaust wasn't stopped by just one country and this tragedy should be stopped by more then one country also. This situation is so upsetting that I don't think people really know what to do about it to help but more people need to hear about it and more people need to get together and do what we can to help these people.

  8. I agree with M-Mattei. It really is overwhelming and a lot to take in.I don't think a lot of us can actually grasp the gravity and severity of the situation.Children are abducted or live in fear, women raped and families ripped apart. In my class particularly a lot of peoples opinions where that it shouldn't concern us and its not our problem. To me, i think it is our responsibility as human beings. Everyone keep on making the comment, "why does everyone turn to us?" As Americans, we have one of the strongest military troops in the world, and to me, how is it okay to let children sleep on the ground in fear?

  9. I find it sad that I didn't hear about this until the movie came out. I can't believe that the government isn't doing anything about the child soldiers. It is not really my problem more of their governments problem. It is good that people are helping out but the only way to stop this is for them to have a stable government.

  10. It was really hard to watch. with all the children in pain and all the things you see going on. They are asking for our help. I definitely think the US should do something to help. We, as one of the strongest nations, could help save the youth of Africa and give them peace in their homeland. This is my opinion and i will stay with it. We need to help. They are people too, and if we needed help, like this, and no one was there how you do think all of us would feel knowing that no one cares. These people are living in hell and need a way out. I mean we helped with the Holocaust, do you really think this needs to go that far?

  11. I understand how they are asking for help, but why america. Everyone treats us like we're good will or something. We always help out and when we do we look like the bad guys. How come noones raising money for us. We're in debt come help us out.

  12. During World War 2, China had the similar situation. Japanese did more evil things to my country, such as they killed the entire city's people for fun. So this video wasn't shock me too much, I think the only way to stop this stupid war is other country's troops involve. Aid and money couldn't help those children out of this situation forever. Stop this horrible circle seems to be the best method. I heard a wisdom which said destroy then renew.I think this will work for this situation.

  13. The movie was a difficult view of the tragedy that is happening in Uganda. I thought that the things that these children were put through were horrible, but these things have been happening in Africa for a long time. How can anyone change almost an entire country? So I empethize for these children, but after watching the movie I feel like there is no way for me to personally help.

  14. the movie was so sad and very hard to watch. its horrible the things that are going on over in africa. its kind of hard to prosses because its so far from reality for us. but there is still things we can do. no we cant change an entire country but we can save a life. we cant just wait for our goverenment to do something but we could all put a little in and help someone or even save someones life.
